Winter’s Fallen
Winter Blues. How snow looks after its fallen from its purity. The winter can have a warm feeling with its beauty and chill. Of course, it’s the holiday season, when it finally takes hold and we welcome winter into our hearts.
Winter Blues. How snow looks after its fallen from its purity. The winter can have a warm feeling with its beauty and chill. Of course, it’s the holiday season, when it finally takes hold and we welcome winter into our hearts.
What can you say about didn’t disappoint.
How they paint it in the movies, music, media, hype, scenery, internet, google search, photographs etc. It’s all true. California has always been a favorite place for me, even though I’ve only been once.
Listening to a lot of music that seemed to have the word blue in it. I like how blue can have so many meanings, feelings and references. When I look at this painting from time to time it reminds me of The Matrix.
Really good friends of mine created this image and put it on a magnet. When I was dropping off a painting for his Mom, I saw the magnet and wanted to paint it immediately. A great photograph that takes me back to a time in high school when I used to wear Chuck Taylor’s.
I wish I would’ve seen this movie in the Movie Theater! But…after Green Lantern I wasn’t too sure. Best Comic Book Movie!!!